1. Staying Alive Strings

KEYS_ English_
send_to Send to
navigation_drawer_open Open navigation drawer
navigation_drawer_close Close navigation drawer
action_settings Settings
app_version Version
app_build Build
alert_title Staying Alive
base_permissions_required_error An error occurred: permissions necessary for the app to work.\nPlease restart and accept the permissions
network_not_available Network unavailable
connection_issue Connection issue
connection_issue_reconnect_and_retry An error occurred because of a connection issue. Please reconnect and try again.
picking_address Picking address…
signup_ Signup
signed_up_card_validated Confirmed
signed_up_card_pending Pending
signed_up_card_not_register Ready to save a life?\nBecome Citizen Responder
description_hint Description
description_error Description error
add_picture Add Photo!
summary_ Summary
correctly_validated Correctly validated. Thank you for your contribution.
error_sending_later Error sending, will be sent later …
questions_ Questions
correctly_edited Correctly edited …
please_fill_all_fields Please fill all fields
msg_dialog_remove_account_fail Removing account failed
msg_dialog_server_notif_ok Server correctly notified
msg_dialog_server_notif_fail Server notification failed
msg_dialog_image_download_fail Profile image download failed!
msg_dialog_remove_account_ok Account correctly removed
msg_dialog_fill_all_fields You must fill all fields!
msg_dialog_account_fail Account info fetch failed!
engagement_on_quit Quit
report_text_ps StayingAlive allows you to move / edit each defibrillator. Think about it before reporting an issue.
report_problem_title Report a problem
report_typr Report type
email_ Email
missing_ Missing
duplicate_ Duplicate
out_of_order Out of order
other_report Other (please comment)
comment_hint Note ….
note_error Note error
email_hint Your email
email_error Email error
take_a_new_photo Take a picture
choose_photo_from_library Choose a picture
delete_picture Delete picture
choose_picture_required You must choose a Picture!
click_take_picture Click here to: \n- Choose from Gallery \n- Take a Picture
remove_ Remove
full_screen Full Screen
legal_notices LEGAL NOTICES
legal_mentions Legal Mentions
waiting_for_an_sms_sent_to Waiting for an SMS sent to:
more_the_20 more then 20mn
direction_ Direction
error_occurred An unexpected error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience.
restart_app Restart application
close_app Close application
double_back_exit Please press BACK again to exit
correctly_added Correctly added …
correctly_reported Correctly reported …
away_from_aed You have to be close to an AED to confirm it.
localisation_problem Geolocation problem, check your GPS and try again…
mode_test Test mode
undo_change Save changes
save_before_exit Do you want to save before exit?
always_opened Open 24/7
office_hours Office hours
all_week All week (7/7)
hands_position Hands Position
until_ until
util_tomorow until tomorrow at
account_successfully_removed Account successfully removed
congratulations_ Congratulations!
date_error Error date
test_ Test
birth_date Birth date
direction_arrive You will arrive
direction_in In
nearest_landline Nearest landline
nearest_landline_title Nearest landline
nearest_landline_error Phone error
nearest_landline_info This number will be visible only by the emergency services
nearest_landline_placeholder 0103030405
alert_title_location Need Location Access
alert_description_location Location access is required.
alert_allow_location Allow Location Access
with_the_support With the support
ligue_cardiologique_belge Ligue Cardiologique Belge
donation_ Donation
alert_menu Alert menu
contacted_soon You will be contacted soon
main_partner Main Partner
partners_ Partners
become_a_citizen_responder Become a Citizen Responder
training_state_text Please tell us if you are trained in CPR or not by selecting the corresponding choice.
information_ Informations
become_a_citizen_responder_extra Trained or not you can save a life!
training_state_text_extra If you are not trained in CPR yet, you can still help by bringing a defibrillator to the victim.
popin_information_title Information
version_update_title New version of Staying Alive
version_update_msg A new version of Staying Alive is available. Please update your application!
 error_account_desynchronized Error, out of sync account
popin_action_later Later
popin_action_now Now
popin_warning_title Warning
popin_warning_account_updated For security reasons, you must login again to confirm your Citizen Responder profile
popin_information_account_updated Please check your Citizen Responder profile is up to date
notif_required_launching Staying Alive has been updated Please launch the app to finalise the process.
menu_main_block_home Home
menu_main_block_learn_cpr Learn CPR
menu_main_block_responder Responder
menu_main_block_emergency Emergency
menu_main_block_menu Menu
menu_main_block_close Close
menu_aed_block_title AED
menu_first_responder_block_title Citizen Responder
menu_informations_block_title Information
menu_block_search Search
menu_block_add Add
menu_block_graph Stats
menu_block_faq FAQ
menu_block_about About
menu_block_disclaimer Disclaimer
menu_section_aed_faq_def Frequent Questions
menu_sectiomenu_section_profil_firstrespondern_profil_firstresponder Citizen Responder
menu_section_profil_firstresponder Citizen Responder
menu_first_aid_block_title First Aid
tunnel_1_thank_you_for_downloading Thank you for downloading Staying Alive
tunnel_1_find_aed_around_you Find AEDs around you
tunnel_1_become_first_responder Become a Citizen Responder
tunnel_1_emergency_behavior How to behave in emergency situation
tunnel_1_tutorial_cpr_gestures First Aid Tutorial
tunnel_2_are_you_trained Are you trained to CPR?
tunnel_2_already_first_responder I\’am already a Citizen Responder
tunnel_3_you_can_save_lives_too You can save lives too by becoming a Citizen Responder
tunnel_3_more_informations More informations
tunnel_4_question_1 What is the “Citizen Responder”?
tunnel_4_question_2 How does the application work?
tunnel_4_question_3 Who can become a Citizen Responder?
tunnel_4_answer_1 The Citizen Responder allows CPR trained volunteers to be alerted by the emergency services in case of cardiac arrest nearby to help the victim, before the EMS Team arrival.
tunnel_4_answer_2 Anyone trained in First Aid and able to provide a proof of qualification may become a Citizen Responder.
tunnel_4_answer_3 The Citizen Responder is available in Staying Alive. To register you must fill out a form (name, surname, eMail, phone and provide a proof of CPR training).
tunnel_5_save_victim_cpr By getting informations on CPR you will be able to save a victim of cardiac arrest. CPR training is fast and simple.
tunnel_5_main_org You will find some training organizations below:
tunnel_5_logo_1_text Fire Fighters
tunnel_5_logo_2_text Protection Civile
tunnel_5_logo_3_text Order of Malta
tunnel_5_logo_4_text Red Cross
tunnel_5_logo_5_text Croix Blanche
tunnel_visit_website Visit the website
alert_unknown_error An unknown error has occurred. Please try again later.
alert_error_no_result No result!
yes_ Yes
no_ No
ok_ OK
back_ Back
cancel_ Cancel
retry_ Retry
validate_ Confirm
close_ CLOSE
submit_ Submit
edit_ Edit
save_ Save
delete_ Delete
next_ Next
loading_ Loading
send_ Send
one_ One
na_ NA
confirm_ Confirm
undefined_ Undefined
app_name Staying Alive
app_baseline Anyone can save a life
lang_ en
video_howto howto_en.mp4
video_10pts 10points_en.mp4
video_reconnaitre reconnaitre_en.mp4
facebook_app_id 2,70346E+14
app_id 2,70346E+14
legal_url http://www.aedmap.org/legal/legal_en.html
date_format_hint mm/dd/yyyy
date_format MM/dd/yyyy
aed_add_explanation_drag Drag the map to place the marker
aed_add_validation_error An error occurred, check the fields!
aed_add_title Adding new AED
aed_add_successful The AED was just added to AEDMAP database
aed_add_extra_error Error sending, will be sent later …
aed_add_extra_adding_later An error occurred, your AED will be added later!
aed_details_fetch_error Error fetching AED details …
aed_data_card_brand_selection Select a brand
aed_data_card_title Specifications
aed_data_card_model_hint Model
aed_data_card_model_title Model
aed_data_card_model_error model not valid
brand_ Brand
aed_name_card_title Name
aed_name_card_hint Name
aed_name_card_error Name error
aed_name_card_alert_title Name
aed_comment_card_title Comment
aed_comment_card_hint Comment
aed_comment_card_error Comment error
aed_comment_card_alert_title Comment
aed_general_card_title Accessibility
aed_general_internal Inside
aed_general_external Outside
aed_general_not_known Not known
aed_general_property Access
aed_general_accessibility Location
aed_general_provides_child_pad Child Pads
aed_general_alert_title General Information
aed_general_card_not_specified N/D
accessibility_private Private
accessibility_public Public
situation_outdoors Outside
situation_indoors Inside
child_pads Child pads
aed_address_card_title Address
aed_address_card_zip_code Zip Code
aed_address_card_country Country
aed_address_card_floor Floor
aed_address_card_city City
aed_address_card_state State
aed_address_card_building Building
aed_address_card_first Address
aed_address_card_second Address 2
aed_address_card_zip_code_error Zip Code error
aed_address_card_country_error Country error
aed_address_card_floor_error Floor error
aed_address_card_city_error City error
aed_address_card_state_error State error
aed_address_card_building_error Building error
general_form_error Form error
general_err_label ERR
not_known Not known
no_model_selected No model selected
always_opened Open 24/7
aed_times_card_closed CLOSED
aed_times_card_opened OPENED
aed_times_card_title Availability
aed_times_card_edit_action edit
no_info_available_yet No info available yet
aed_pictures_card_title Pictures
aed_pin_placer_card_title Position
specify_the_position Specify the Position
brand_other Other
waiting_for_current_position Waiting for current position…
aed_partner_text This defibrillator is monitored by AEDMAP on behalf of
confirm_aed Confirm AED
confirm_aed_question Do you confirm this AED presence?
confirmed_aed AED confirmed.
aed_address_card_first_placeholder Enter address
aed_address_card_second_placeholder Enter address 2
aed_address_card_zip_code_placeholder Enter zip code
aed_address_card_city_placeholder Enter city
aed_address_card_country_placeholder Enter country
aed_address_card_state_placeholder Enter state
aed_address_card_floor_placeholder Enter floor
aed_address_card_building_placeholder Enter building
aed_name_placeholder Enter a name to identify this AED
aed_comment_placeholder Enter additional informations
aed_not_found AED not found
aed_found AED found
about_title About
about_warning Warnings
about_sponsor With support from
about_avert_title Warnings
about_text_1 Staying Alive is a free application developed by AEDMAP France in partnership with
about_text_2 StayingAlive and Citizen Responder are supported by
message_samaritain “Cardiac arrest has been reported near you! Can you help?”
alert_type “Cardiac arrest has been reported near you! Can you help?”
engagement_on_my_way On my way
engagement_on_site On site
quit_ QUIT
firstresponder_address Emergency address:
firstresponder_thankyou_help Thank you for offering your help and support.
push_samaritain_alert_nok End of Alert, first responders are on site. Thanks for your help.
firstresponder_thankyou_help_end End of Alert, first responders are on site. Thanks for your help.
time_since_alert Time since Alert:
push_samaritain_no No problem. Thank you!\n\nWe hope you will be available next time.
samaritain_thanks Thank you for your reply
samaritain_wait The emergency services will send you the address shortly if they need your support
samaritain_yes_answer Go quickly to the address indicated without taking any unnecessary risk
alert_type_1 Cardiac arrest
alert_type_2 Stroke
alert_type_3 AVP (Accident of the Public Way)
alert_type_4 Haemorrhage
alert_type_5 Other medical emergency
message_samaritain_1 A Cardiac arrest has been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_2 A Stroke has been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_3 A road accident has been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_4 A bleeding has been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_5 A medical emergency has been reported near you! Can you help?
status_ Status :
train_yourself Train yourself!
signed_up_card_unconfirmed unconfirmed
closed_ Closed
inaccessible_ Unavailable
victim_ Victim
directly_victim_located Without taking any risk, go to the victim located:
accuracy_ Accuracy:
defibrillator_not_found Defibrillator not found?
defibrillator_ Defibrillator
get_defibrillator_ Go get the defibrillator
situated_ situated
samaritain_yes_message_aed Do not take unnecessary risk
bs_untrained_end_message We are sorry for this situation.\nWe will take into account your report in order to make our database more reliable.\nThanks for your help
alert_type_6 Unconsciousness
message_samaritain_6 A unconsciousness has been reported near you! Can you help?
push_samaritain_too_far Hi,\n Closer Responders have already answered.\n We will contact you if needed.\n Thanks for your help.
aed_address AED’s address:
firstresponder_form_not_valid Form not Valid
firstresponder_alert_title You are registered as a Citizen Responder
first_responder_info_profile_action My Profile
firstresponder_alert_msg_confirm “Thanks, you are registered!
firstresponder_label_enabled Enabled
firstresponder_label_disabled Disabled
firstresponder_label_validated VALIDATED
firstresponder_title Citizen Responder
firstresponder_bt_howtobecomefirstresponder How to become a Citizen Responder?
firstresponder_bt_becomefirstresponder Become a Citizen Responder
firstresponder_bt_introduction Introduction
firstresponder_bt_ethique Ethical Questions
firstresponder_from_subtitle Become a Citizen Responder
firstresponder_bt_howitworks How does it work?
firstresponder_bt_responsable Am I responsible?
firstresponder_bt_contact Contact
firstresponder_bt_delete Click here to delete your account
firstresponder_detail_title Citizen Responder
firstresponder_from_desc To activate this feature, \nplease fill the form below:
firstresponder_from_bt_send Send
firstresponder_alert_msg_error Registration failed.
firstresponder_alert_form_error Incorrect number
firstresponder_label_bt_newjustif Update your qualification evidence
firstresponder_label_bt_justif Attach a qualification evidence
firstresponder_label_bt_deljustif Delete your qualification evidence
bsregister_first_title Phone Number (1/6)
bsregister_first_your_phone Your phone number
bsregister_first_infotext Please select your country code and enter your phone number.
bsregister_first_num_phone_example ex: 06 12 34 25 99
bsregister_confirm_phone_number_correct Can you confirm that your phone number is correct:
bsregister_confirm_phone_number_correct_title Confirm phone number
pick_country Pick a country
code_validation_title Code Validation
code_validation_automatic_detection Code automatically detected
code_validation_wait_seconds Wait 60 secs.
code_validation_sms SMS Code
code_validation_sending_code_error Sending code error
code_validation_send_back_the_sms Send the SMS again
msg_dialog_check_insereted_data Check the input data
msg_dialog_server_country_ind_fail Server Error – Check country code
bsregister_second_title Control (2/6)
bsregister_second_infotext Please enter the verification code received by SMS.
bsregister_wrong_code Incorrect code
bsregister_change_number Edit Phone number
bsregister_change_number_alert Please wait a moment before modifying your phone or receiving a new code by SMS.
bsregister_third_title TOS (3/6)
bsregister_cgu_label I have read and agree\nto the Terms of Service
accept_conditions I agree with the Terms and Conditions of Use Policy
bsregister_fourth_title Information (4/6)
bsregister_fourth_infotext Please enter your information.
bsregister_gender_choose Choose the Gender
bsregister_gender Gender
bsregister_fourth_alert_title Existing account
bsregister_fourth_alert_text An account with this phone number already exists, do you want to get it back?\n
bsregister_fourth_username First name
bsregister_fourth_username_error Min length: 2
bsregister_fourth_lastname Last name
bsregister_fourth_lastname_error Unauthorized characters
bsregister_fourth_email Mail
bsregister_fourth_email_error Mail format not valid
bsregister_fourth_zipcode Zip Code
bsregister_fourth_zipcode_error Zip code not valid
firstresponder_personal_info_title Personal informations
bsregister_fifth_title Qualification (6/6)
bsregister_fifth_title_card Qualification evidence
bsregister_finish_signup Finish registration
bsregister_select_skill Select your qualification
bsregister_pick_date_expiration Select expiration date
bsregister_select_date Select expiration date
bsregister_date_error Expiration date error
bsregister_skill_error Qualification error
bsregister_info_alert_title Information
bsregister_justif_text Please provide a nominative picture as a proof of your qualification (JPG or PNG only). To upload it, click on the picture below.
bsregister_justif_alert_text Please attach a proof:\n\n- a certification\n- a document\n \nattesting to your competence in first-aid gestures.\n\nSelfies are not valid.
bsregister_justif_error Document error
bsregister_info Information
bsregister_sixth_title My Profile
bsregister_correctly_signed_up Citizen Responder
bsregister_do_not_disturb_label Do not disturb
bsregister_do_not_disturb_text When the \”Do Not Disturb\” mode is activated, you will no longer receive an alert in the event of an emergency.
bsregister_edit_profile Edit informations
bsregister_delete_account Delete account
bsregister_edit_account Edit Account
bsregister_delete_alert Are you sure you want to delete your account?
bsregister_cancel_alert Are you sure you want to cancel the registration?
bsregister_notification_settings Notification Settings
bsregister_success_message_inscription You are now part of the Citizen Responder community. You will shortly receive an email confirming your registration. Thank you.
bsregister_testing_device Testing Device
testing_notifications Testing notifications
bsregister_server_communication Communication with the server
bsregister_receiving_notifications Receipt of the notification
bsregister_rtt_completed Validation of the test
activate_do_not_disturb Do not disturb
during_1 During 1h
during_6 During 6h
during_24 During 24h
firstresponder_desc Citizen First Responders is a service for emergency professionals, whose goal is to improve survival to cardiac arrest through the mobilization of volunteers.\n Become a Citizen First Responder!
bsregister_fourth_username_placeholder Enter your first name
bsregister_fourth_lastname_placeholder Enter your last name
bsregister_fourth_email_placeholder Enter your mail
bsregister_fourth_zipcode_placeholder Enter your zip code
bsregister_skill Skill
bsregister_date Expiration date
gender_male Male
gender_female Female
bsregister_fourth_birth_date_placeholder Enter Birth Date
bsregister_fourth_birth_date Birth Date
bsregister_fifth_bis_title Qualification (5/6)
yes_trained I am trained
no_trained I am not trained
later_diploma I will provide my diploma later.
bsregister_success_message_inscription_untrained An activation email has just been sent to you, thank you to validate it to finalize your registration.\n\nIf you want to get more involved.
bsregister_success_message_inscription_trained_without_diploma An activation email has just been sent to you.\n\nRemember to finalize your registration by adding a diploma to your account.
bs_untrained Untrained
bs_trained Trained
bs_trained_without_certificate Trained (pending diploma)
test_localisation_service Location
test_notification_service Notification
bsregister_title_cgu Terms and conditions
bsregister_show_cgu Read the terms of use
no_time_information_available No time information is available yet
select_days Select days
pick_days Pick days
opening_time Opening time
open_ Open
opening_at Opening at
no_time_selected_error No Time selected ERR
closing_at Closing at
closing_time_before_opening_error Closing time before opening ERR
no_time_selected No Time selected
no_day_picked_error No day Picked! ERR
country_pick_failed Country pick failed
monday_ Monday
tuesday_ Tuesday
wednesday_ Wednesday
thursday_ Thursday
friday_ Friday
saturday_ Saturday
sunday_ Sunday
lifesavings_ Learn CPR
call_ Call for help
massage_ Chest compression
massage_frag_gestures Chest\ncompression
defibrillate_ Defibrillate
wait_for_help Wait for help
victim_doesnt_react_and_dont_breath The victim does not react and is not breathing normally.
contact_emergencies_first Contact the emergency services\n first and foremost.
start_the_heart_massage Once you have alerted emergency services, give chest compressions at the rate of 100 – 120 per minute.
next_step Next step
hand_position Hand positions
recognize_cardiac_arrest Recognise a cardiac arrest
do_heart_massage Give chest compressions
use_dae Use the defibrillator
how_to_use_dae_notice If there is no defibrillator, give constant chest compressions at the rate of 100 – 120 per minute until assistance arrives.\nOpen the defibrillator: a voice will give you instructions to follow.\nIt explains how to place the electrode pads on the victim\’s bare skin: one should be placed on the right side of the chest and the other under the left armpit.
how_to_use_dae_notice_rest The defibrillator makes a diagnosis and only delivers a shock if needed.\nStand back from the victim while the defibrillator delivers the electric shock.\nThe defibrillator then checks if the heart has restarted and will give you instructions to follow.
while_waiting_help While waiting for assistance to arrive:
let_dae_on – Leave the defibrillator in place
continue_massage – Continue chest compressions
emergency_ Emergency
do_a_100bpm_massage Compress the chest at the rate of 100 to 120 per minute
emergency_compose Call
compose_ CALL
emergency_call Call
training_test_device_maif_title Formation
training_test_device_maif_string Pour vous impliquer davantage, vous pouvez vous former ou vous sensibiliser au gestes qui sauvent.\nRetrouvez notre module de formation développé en partenariat avec la MAIF
training_header_block_title_signup Training sing in
contacted_by_emergency_services To be contacted by the emergency services
incoming_call Incoming call
incoming_call_emergency Incoming call from emergency service
video_call_text_info The emergency services may call you using video to improve their service. If you agree, please grant access to your camera. (You will be notified before the call starts)
video_call_text_switch Grant video call permissions
video_call_text_title Video call settings (Beta)
video_call_revoke_tile Revoke video permission
video_call_revoke_text You should revoke the permissions in your mobile settings!
video_call_text You must grant Mico and Camera permissions to enable video conferencing
map_layers_type map type
map_layers_details map details
map_type_satellite Satellite
map_type_default Default
map_type_list List
map_type_map Map
feching_address Fetching address…


2. Disclaimer

name string
T1 The location and the list of AED supplied by this application is given as an indication. The RMC / BFM Association and AEDMAP can not be held responsible for missing or malfunctioning AED of which the ownership, maintenance and location are the responsibility of the person or entity who installed it.
T2 In case of emergency, call an ambulance by dialing 911 in the US, 999 in the UK, 112 in Europe.
T3 To assist a missing AED or report problems with current locations please email: contact@aedmap.org
T4 Presence of an AED in this application:
T5 does not confer an absolute right to its use
T6 does not guarantee that the AED is physically there or accessible 24/7
T7 does not guarantee that the AED’s battery is charged and that the pads have not expired


3. FAQ


name string EN
Q1 What is an AED ?
A1 An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a portable medical device that delivers an electric shock if needed. The shock can potentially stop an irregular heart beat (arrhythmia) and restore a normal rhythm. AED’s are harmless, since they will deliver a shock only if the patient needs one. There is no risk of hurting someone with an AED.
Q2 How to add a new defibrillator?
A2 Launch Staying Alive, the map will be displayed, then click on the “+” button.
Q3 How to add a photo of the defibrillator?
A3 Launch Staying Alive, select the defibrillator on the map and then click on “Edit”.
Q4 How to report an error on a defibrillator (misplaced, incorrect address, missing, duplicate…)?
A4 Launch Staying Alive, select the defibrillator on the map and then click on “Report a problem”.
Q5 How to use a defibrillator?
A5 Start CPR to keep the blood flowing around the body. After a cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces someone’s chance of survival by 10 per cent.\n If you’re on your own, don’t interrupt the CPR to go and get a defibrillator. If it’s possible, send someone else to find one. When you call 999, the operator can tell you if there’s a public access defibrillator nearby.\n Once the defibrillator is open and in position, all you have to do is follow the spoken instructions. Many defibrillators will also have diagrams or a screen to help you. The defibrillator detects the heart’s rhythm, it won’t deliver a shock unless one is needed.\n Often you’ll need to press the shock button although some fully automatic defibrillators will deliver the shock themselves. You should resume CPR as soon as instructed by the defibrillator.
Q6 Can I modify an existing defibrillator?
A6 Yes. Launch Staying Alive, select the defibrillator on the map and edit the existing informations.
Q7 Can I access the defibrillator map without a connection?
A7 No. A 3G or WIFI connection is required.
Q8 What is the Citizen responder?
A8 The Citizen responder is a service that enables emergency professionals (112,911) to locate, alert and dispatch volunteer trained or not to CPR in case of sudden cardiac arrest nearby.


4. First_Responder 1


name string EN
T1 How does it work?
T2 When a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is reported by the emergency services, our server locates Citizen Responders nearby and sends them an alert asking if they can help or bring a defibrillator. On iPhone, the Staying Alive app should be running in the background for you to be contacted. If you are not available, simply decline the request. If you are available simply respond positively to the notification, the emergency services will be notified and will contact you if necessary.
T3 If you are selected by the emergency services:
T4 You’ll receive within the app a map of the area and the address of the victim or of the location of the defibrillator. The app screen will have a button at the bottom enabling you to notify the EMS when you’re on site. It’s important to do so.
T5 Emergency services may call you directly.
T6 Do not unnecessarily put yourself at risk if you are required to intervene
T7 If you are not selected, you will receive a message stating that another Citizen Responder was.


5. First_Responder 2


name string EN
T1 How to become a Citizen Responder?
T2 To become a Citizen Responder, you have to know or not how to perform CPR.
T3 To enroll, just click on the “Become a Citizen Responder” button on the previous screen and provide us:
T4 your phone number and country code;
T5 your name and email;
T6 if appropriate, your skill level and a justification picture so that the emergency services can approve your registration.
T7 untrained Citizen Responders are sent exclusively to a defibrillator.


6. First_Responder 3

name string EN
T1 Terms of Use
T2 Becoming a Citizen Responder,
T3 I commit myself to a strict duty of confidentiality concerning the personal and commercial information and data that I should be aware of when giving help.
T4 I hereby certify that the information provided to AEDMAP is sincere, authentic and true to the facts, and declares to be informed that any misrepresentation may result in the inadmissibility of my application, or even criminal prosecution.
T5 I acknowledge having read the personal data protection charter (see legal notice), and authorize AEDMAP to use my personal data in the context of the “Staying Alive” application only.
T6 I agree acting as a volunteer in emergency situations.
T7 I hereby certify:
T8 Not to have been the subject of an indication incompatible with the performance of the duties;
T9 Having the qualifications required for the performance of the duties and have provided the community with the corresponding certificates and diplomas (trained Citizen Responder).
T10 Untrained Citizen Responders are sent exclusively to a defibrillator.
T11 You may only save a life by responding positively.
T12 N.B: The AED is a medical device that delivers a shock only if the patient’s condition requires it. There is no risk of unjustified shock.


7. First_Responder 4


name string EN
T1 Contact
T2 If you have any question regarding how the Citizen Responder works or your registration, please send an email to contact@bon-samaritain.org


8. Alert_Message

message_samaritain_1 A Cardiac arrest has been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_2 A Stroke has been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_3 A road accident has been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_4 A bleeding has been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_5 A medical emergency has been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_6 A fire has just been reported near you! Can you help?
message_samaritain_7 An unconscious person has just been reported close to you! Can you help with a mask and gloves?


9. Alert_Type


alert_type_1 Cardiac arrest
alert_type_2 Stroke
alert_type_3 Road Accident
alert_type_4 Haemorrhage
alert_type_5 Other medical emergency
alert_type_6 Fire start
alert_type_7 Unconsciousness


10. Intro_BS_Registration


Intro_inscription If you are trained in CPR, before starting registration, make sure you have written proof of your competence. It is necessary for the validation of your account.


11. Huawei_Message

Huawei_Message Battery Configuration Required Allow background execution


12. Citizen_Responder_skills

Healthcare_Professional Healthcare Professional
Physician_ Physician
Pharmacist_ Pharmacist
Dentist_ Dentist
Midwife_ Midwife
Nurse_ Nurse
Kinesitherapist_ Kinesitherapist
Paramedic_ Paramedic
Other_ Other
Firefighter_ Firefighter
Professional_Firefighter Professional Firefighter
Volunteer_Firefighter Volunteer Firefighter
Rescuer_ Rescuer
Other_ Other
Volunteer_ Volunteer
HeartSaver_/_CPR HeartSaver / CPR
Other_ Other
Security_Forces Security Forces
Police_ Police
Army_ Army


13. App_Store_Description

Staying Alive provides defibrillator mapping and Citizen Responders management. The App is available in 20 languages and maps over 170.000 defibrillators worldwide.

Staying Alive is an award winning free App designed and developed by AEDMAP.

Main features include:

– AED location : locate the 10 closest AEDs near you or in a specific location, through the use of a live database always up to date


– Reporting of new AED.

You can post new defibrillators and now even edit existing ones.


– Citizen Responders network: If you are trained to CPR you can register through the App as a Citizen Responder. You can then be notified by the EMS in case of cardiac arrest near you to provide CPR. Staying Alive Citizen Responder technology integrates smoothly with Emergency Dispatch Centres worldwide.


– The reminding of CPR gesture with video illustration of the survival chain “Call, Start CPR, Shock and wait for help”


– A practical guide on the use of Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).


– An “Emergency” mode that will help you to make the right things in the right order. The emergency mode detects automatically the local number depending on you location.


The location and the list of defibrillators supplied by this application are given as an indication. Please note that this application is interactive and that the data provided by users will not be checked by a dedicated organization. AEDMAP is not liable for any errors in the locations of defibrillators.



Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.



Developed by AEDMAP – www.aedmap.org

14. Whats_New

We update Staying Alive regularly to improve your experience.

Get the latest version to get all of the new features and improvements. Thanks for using Staying Alive!

In this release: