Known problems with notifications on Android
Some Android devices may prevent Staying Alive from receiving mobile notifications. Below are the procedures for solving some known problems. If you need help, please contact us.
We’re here to help!
Note: After each of these procedures, we advise you to restart your Staying Alive application.
Android operating systems
Android version 6.0.1
If your device uses Android version 6.0.1 or a laterversion, make sure that battery optimization does not prevent Staying Alive from sending you notifications:
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Select Battery.
- Tap themenu icon to develop andelect BatteryOptimization.
- Press the reverse caret andelect Allapps.
- Press Staying Alive,then Don’tOptimize.
Android version 7
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Select Applications.
- Search for Staying Alive and tap it.
- Select Battery,then tap Battery Optimization.
- Select the Un optimised Apps option and set it to All Apps.
- Search For Staying Alive in this list, then set the app to Don’t Optimize.
Android version 9
If your device is using Android version 9, make sure that adaptive battery functionality doesn’t prevent Staying Alive from sending you notifications:
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Select Battery.
- Select Adaptive Battery.
- Tap Restricted Applications and make sure Staying Alive isn’t on the list.
Android device models
Below is a list of Android devices with which there are known problems with Staying Alive notifications.
Huawei Honor 6
Step 1: Define Staying Alive as a Protected Application
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Press EnergySaving.
- Tap ProtectedApps.
- Switch Staying Alive to activate.
Step 2: Enable Staying Alive in the Notifications Manager
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Tap NotificationCenter.
- Select Note for Staying Alive to receive push notifications.
Huawei Honor 8
Step 1: Define Staying Alive as a Protected Application
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Tap Advanced Settings.
- Press Battery Management.
- Tap Protected Apps (or Close Apps After Screen Lock).
- Switch Staying Alive to activate.
Step 2: Ignore battery optimizations for Staying Alive
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Tap Applications.
- Press Advanced.
- Select Ignore battery optimizations..
- Select Staying Alive and ignore the app.
Step 3: Allow Staying Alive notifications
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Select Notifications and StatusBar.
- Tap Notification Center and search for StayingAlive.
- Make sure allow notifications and View Priorities are enabled..
Huawei P8 lite
Step 1: Enable The Launch of Staying Alive at Start-Up
- In the app drawer, tap PhoneManager.
- Swipe left and tap StartManager.
- Tap Staying Alive and make sure the app is set up to be launched automatically when the system starts.
Step 2: Allow Staying Alive notifications
- In the app drawer, tap PhoneManager.
- Swipe left and tap NotificationCenter.
- Press Rules and make sure the Staying Alive app is set up to send notifications to the notifications stream. Make sure no other settings on this screen block notifications.
Huawei Mate 8 and Huawei Nova Plus
You should check that the Staying Alive app is excluded from your device’s battery optimization features:
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Tap AdvancedSettings.
- Press BatteryManagement.
- Tap ProtectedApps.
- Switch Staying Alive to activate.
Huawei P10
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Tap Applications.
- Press Apps again.
- Press Staying Alive.
- Select Energy Consumption,then Application Launch.
- Turn off the Manage automatically.
- Then turn on Auto Launch, Secondary Launch and Execution in the background.
Huawei P20 and P30, Mate 20 and Mate 30
- In the app drawer, tap Settings.
- Tap Applications.
- Press Staying Alive.
- Select Energy Consumption,then Application Launch.
- Turn off the Manage automatically.
- Then turn on Auto Launch, Secondary Launch and Execution in the background.